Boslands Flower Shop

Boslands Flower Shop

Posted by boslandsflowershop on July 23, 2020 | Last Updated: April 29, 2021 Uncategorized

The Perfect Amount of Sunlight for Your Plants

Finding the right balance of light for your houseplants can be a little tricky. Knowing the difference between direct light, medium light, and low light is important. Also important is recognizing the signs your plant gives you that lets you know if it’s receiving too much or too little light. Wayne’s best florist Bosland’s Flower Shop wants to help you keep your plants healthy and growing so here’s our quick and easy guide on identifying the proper amount of sunlight for your plants.

How Your Plant Lets You Know It Wants More Light


Long, skinny stems are called “leggy” and occur when a plant struggles for enough light. Leggy stems also typically have elongated spaces between the leaves. This space is called the internode, and large internodes on a plant are a clear sign of insufficient light.

Smaller Leaves

In an effort to conserve energy due to inadequate light, a plant will produce smaller than usual leaves. If you’re unsure that new leaves are smaller than they’re supposed to be, compare them with older growth to see if there is a striking difference in size.


A lopsided or leaning plant is one that turns towards its light source in an effort to absorb as much of it as it can. To keep your plant full and upright, make sure it not only is in a well-lit area but also gives it a quarter of a turn once a week so all the leaves get enough light.

Leggy Plant
Leaning Plant
Healthy Plants

Abnormal Leaf Color

Lack of sufficient light prevents chlorophyll from doing its job – which is feeding the plant. When this happens, the leaves become pale green or yellow instead of dark, rich green as healthy plants have.

Slowed Growth or No New Growth

Stunted growth or lack of any new growth occurs when the plant lacks enough energy to grow and flourish. If you suspect your plant is not growing as quickly as it should and shows signs of no new leaves, move it closer to a window and watch what happens.

Getting the Light Right

If your plants have any of the above signs of light deficiency, then it’s imperative to get them into better light. This may be as simple as moving them closer to a window, opening your blinds, or placing them in a hanging planter.

Indirect bright light that is somewhat diffused is suitable for most types of indoor except shade-loving ones like ferns and orchids and full sun varieties such as cacti or succulents.

It might take a little trial and error but paying attention to how your plants behave is all you need to do to keep them happy and flourishing.